

Reading Recovery Europe


Supporting parental engagement

Helen is just six weeks into Reading Recovery and her mum cannot believe the difference in her already. "It used to be, whenever I took the books out of her book bag, to try to get her to read to me, she made such a fuss that I gave up trying."

Although Helen had always been happy to come to school, she hated reading. She was identified as being among the lowest achieving in literacy and received Reading Recovery.

"Since then it's been brilliant, she loves to read and she gets her own books out to show me. She's always talking about her Reading Recovery teacher and she loves going to her lessons." Her teacher is pleased with her progress too, "she really feels empowered by being able to spell longer words. She uses the same strategies to help her work out other words on her own."

Helen is not the only one that Reading Recovery has helped; her teacher invited her mum to watch some of her Reading Recovery lessons.

"She showed me how to be more relaxed with her when she made mistakes and to wait for her to work it out. She helped me to know how to help her,"

said Mum. And Helen loves reading to her little sister, they play schools together and Helen teaches her sister to read.