

Psychoanalysis Unit


Rosine Perelberg's Publications


Contributors: Juliet Mitchell, Christian David, Catherine Chabert, Monique Janin-Cournut, Rosine Perelberg, Marilia Aisenstein, Harvey Rich, Nathalie Zilkha, Rachel Chaplin, Denis Hirsch, Don Campbell, Gregorio Kohon, and Andre Green.ÌýWinner of the American Board & Academy of Psychoanalysis Edited Book Prize for 2019!

Contributors: André Green, James Rose, Paul Williams, David Bell, Rosemary Davies, Gregorio Kohon, and Catalina Bronstein.

Contributors: André Green, Ron Britton, Jean Claude Rolland, Catherine Chabert, Gilbert Diatkine, Jane Temperley, Margret Tonnesmann, Luiz Eduardo Prado de Oliveira, Ignes Sodre, John Steiner, Paul Williams and Rosine Jozef Perelberg.

Contributors: Ignes Sodre, Gregorio Kohon, Peter Fonagy, Sarah Flanders, Victor Sedlak and Rosine Jozef Perelberg.

Contributors: Peter Fonagy and Mary Target, Donald Campbell, Anthony Bateman, Rosemary Davies, Joan Schachter and Rosine Jozef Perelberg.

Perelberg, R J and Miller, A (Eds) (1990) Gender and Power in Families. London: Routledge.

Selected Recent Papers:Ìý

Perelberg, R J (2019) Passion and Melancholia, Red and Black: the vicissitudes of the sexual in an analytic process. Int. J. Psycho-anal Volume 100, 2019 pp. 1237-1247.

Perelberg, R.J. (2018) The riddle of anxiety: Between the familiar and the unfamiliar. Int. J. Psycho-Anal. 99(4): 810-827

Perelberg,R.J. (2017). Love ad Melancholia in the Analysis of Women by Women. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 98(6)1533-1549.

Perelberg, R.J. (2016) Negative Hallucinations, Dreams, Hallucinations: the framing structure and its representation in the analytic process. Int. J. Psycho-Anal. 97:1575-1590

Perelberg, R.J. (2015). On Excess, Trauma and Helplessness: Repetitions and Transformations. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 96:1453-1476

Perelberg, R. J (2013) L'inquiétante étrangeté; tiercéité et temporalité,ÌýRevue Française de Psychanalyse, Décembre, Tome LXXVII 5 pp1551-1558

Perelberg, R. J (2013) Configurações Sexuais múltiplas.ÌýRevista Brasileira de Psicanalise,Ìý vol. 47 no 3 pp103-110

Perelberg, R. J (2013) Paternal Function and Thirdness in Psychoanalysis and Legend: Has the Future beenÌý Foretold.Psychoanalytic Quarterly, vol. LXXXII No 3 pp. 557-585.

Perelberg, R. J (2013) Some of the Current Themes in French Psychoanalysis,ÌýInt. J. Psycho-Anal., Vol. 94, Number 3, pp. 589-617.

Perelberg, R. J. (2013). Un Père est Battu,ÌýRevue Française de Psychanalyse, Tome 77 - n° 1. ppÌýÌý 170-194

Perelberg, R.J. (2012). The Analyzing Situation by Jean-Luc Donnet (Andrew Weller, translation) Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 93:239-245.

Perelberg, R J (2011)ÌýNoces de sang (Blood Wedding)ÌýRevue Française de Psychanalyse.ÌýTome LXXVÌýNuméro 5 Spécial Congrès sur Le Maternel, pp. 1615-1621.

Perelberg, R.J (2011) 'A Father is Being Beaten': Constructions in the Analysis of Some Male Patients. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 92:97-116.

Perelberg, R.J. (2010). Espacio y tiempo en la escucha analítica. Fuente: Libro Anual de Psicoanálisis ; n. 23 : p.163-175. Editor: Grafica GyG

Perelberg, R.J. (2010). Padre asesinado, padre muerto: revisitando el complejo de Edipo. Libro Anual de Psicoanálisis ; n. 25 : p.157-172.

Perelberg, R.J. (2010) Tila ja aika psykoanalyyttisessa kuuntelemisessa.ÌýPsykoterapia, 29(3): 206-219.Ìý

Perelberg, R J (2009) Après- coup dynamique : implications pour une théorie de la cliniqueÌý¸é¹ó±ÊÌýTome LXXIII Décembre pp.1585

Perelberg, R J and Jozef, B (2009) Em Busca de Dom Casmurro - Machado de Assis (In Search of Dom Casmurro) Trieb Revista da Sociedade Brasileirda de Psicanalsie do Rio de Janeiro Vol. VIII, No 1, Junho, 15-22.

Perelberg, R.J. (2009) Murdered father; dead father: revisiting the Oedipus complex. International Journal of Psycho-analysis 90:713-732. Selected for the Livro Anual de Psicanálise XXV

Perelberg, R J (2009) On becoming a psychoanalyst in Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Volume 29, Issue 3 May 2009 , pages 247-263.Ìý

Perelberg, R.J. (2009) 'Raum und Zeit im psychoanalytischen Zuhoren » in VorstoBins Sprachlose. International Journal of Psycho-analysis, Berlin: Diskord, pp. 92-117.

Perelberg, R.J. (2007) Space and Time in Psychoanalytic Listening. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 88:1473-1490.

Perelberg, R.J. (2006) 'Violence and somatization', Actualité Psychosomatiques, no. 9 Publication annuelle de l'Association genevoise de Psychosomatique, pp 17-36

Perelberg, R.J. (2006) The Controversial Discussions and après-coup. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 87:1199-1220.

Perelberg, R. J. (2006) Les Controverses et l'après coup Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Juillet Tome LXX pp 647-670

Perelberg, R.J. (2005) Idées directrices pour une psychanalyse contemporaine: Méconaisssance et reconnaissance de l'inconscient [Key ideas for a contemporary psychoanalysis: Misrecognition and recognition of the unconscious] By André Green Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 2002. 400 pp.. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 86:207-213.

Perelberg, R.J. (2004) Narcissistic configurations: Violence and its absence in treatment. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 85:1065-1079.

Perelberg, R J (2004) Espaces pleins et espaces vides dans le processus analytique . Revue Française de Psychanalyse 4 (no 64) pp 285

Perelberg, R.J. (2003) Full and empty spaces in the analytic process. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 84:579-592.

Perelberg, R.J. (2002). Espaços cheios e vazios no processo analítico / Espacios llenos y vacíos en el proceso psicoanalítico. Trieb; v. 1, n. 1/2 : p. 183-202, 2002.

Perelberg, R.J. (2002) 'Sadisme, erotism and mélancolie', Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse. Tome LXVI. pp1225-1230

Perelberg, R.J. (2001). El interjuego entre identificaciones e identidad en el análisis de un joven violento; cuestiones sobre la técnica. Libro Anual de Psicoanálisis ; v. 15 : p. 27-40.

Perelberg, R.J. (2001) 'L'oracle dans le rêves: le passe et le futur dans le présent », Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse. Tome LXV Juillet septembre. Pp. 807-824

Perelberg, R.J. (2001) 'L'Espace Psychique dans le Processus Psychanalytique', Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse, Tome LXIV Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Perelberg, R.J. (2000) 'Jeux d'identification', Libres Cahiers Pour la Psychanalyse Numéro 1, Printemps 2000 Paris; In Press Editions.

Perelberg, R.J. (2000) 'Gewal und Sexualitat bei Mannlichen Borderline-Patienten', Kinderanalyse Heft 1,Marz 2000, pp 1-23.

Perelberg, R.J. (1999) ''L'interaction entre identification et identité dans l'analyse d'u jeune homme violent : questions de technique », Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse, August. Tome LXIII, pp 1175-1191

Perelberg, R.J. (1999) The Interplay Between Identifications and Identity in the Analysis of a Violent Young Man: Issues of Technique. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 80:31-45.

Perelberg, R.J. (1996) Anthropology and Psychoanalysis: an Encounter Through Culture. Edited by Suzette Heald and Ariane Deluz. London: Routledge. 1994. Pp. 244. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 77:847-850.

Perelberg, R.J. (1995) Violence in Children and Young Adults: A Review of the Literature and Some New Formulations. Bul. Anna Freud Centre, 18:89-122.

Perelberg, R.J. (1995) Transmission de la Vie Psychique Entre Générations. By R. Kaës, H. Faimberg, M. Enriquez and J.-J. Baranes. Paris: Dunod. 1993. Pp. 208.. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 76:179-182.

Perelberg, R.J. (1995) Report on the Colloquium. Bul. Anna Freud Centre, 18:165-167.

Perelberg, R.J. (1995) A Core Phantasy In Violence. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 76:1215-1231.

Perelberg, R.J. (1993) The Psychoanalytic Treatment of Young Adults as a Rite of Passage: Discussion of the Conference. Bul. Anna Freud Centre, 16:95-103.

Selected Chapters and Proceedings:

Perelberg, R.J. (2013). La Multiplicité des Configurations Sexuelles, in Chervet, B et Denis, PÌýHommage à Joyce McDougallÌýParis: SPP Collections Hommages.

Perelberg, R.J. (2012). The Interplay of Identifications: Violence, Hysteria and the Repudiation of Femininity. In Williams, P, ÌýKeene, J and Dermen, S (Eds.).ÌýIndependent Psychoanalysis Today. London: Karnac.

Perelberg, R.J. (2008) The Dead Father and the sacrifice of sexuality in Kalinich, L and Taylor, S (Eds) The Dead father: A psychoanalytic enquiry London: Routledge

Perelberg, R.J. (2006) 'Psychoanalysis in Britain' in Unité et Diversité des pratiques du psychanalyste, Green, A (Ed) Paris : PUF

Perelberg, R.J. (2005) 'Unconscious Phantasy' and 'Après Coup: From the History of an Infantile Neurosis', in Perelberg, R J (Ed.) Freud: A Modern Reader London: Whurr.

Perelberg, R.J. (2005) 'On Narcissism', in Perelberg, R.J. (Ed.) Freud: A Modern Reader London: Whurr

Perelberg, R.J. (2002) 'Time and Memory in One Hundred Years of Solitude', Botella, Penser les limites. Paris: Delachaux and Nestlie.

Perelberg, R. J. and Jozef, B.(2002) 'After Dark, Before Dawn', in Raphael-Leff (Ed.), Behind the Couch and Between Sessions. Essex University.

Perelberg, R.J. (2000) 'The Green-Stern Controversy. A Discussion', in Sandler, J., Sandler, A-M and Davies, R (Eds.) Clinical and Observational Psychoanalytic Research: Roots of a Controversy Monograph Series of The Psychoanalysis Unit of University College, London and The Anna Freud Centre, London, London: Karnac

Perelberg, R.J. (2000) 'The Oracles in Dreams: The Past and The Future in the Present', in Perelberg, R.J. (Ed.) Dreaming and Thinking, London: The Institute of Psychoanalysis.

Perelberg, R.J. (2000) 'Introduction' to Perelberg, R.J. (Ed.) Dreaming and Thinking, London: The Institute of Psychoanalysis.

Perelberg, R.J. (1999) 'A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Violence and Suicide: A Review of the Literature and Some New Formulations', in Perelberg, R.J. (Ed.) Psychoanalytic Understanding of Violence and Suicide. London: Routledge and The Institute of Psychoanalysis.

Perelberg, R.J. (1999) 'A Core Phantasy in Violence', in Perelberg, R.J. (Ed.) Psychoanalytic Understanding of Violence and Suicide. London: Routledge and The Institute of Psycho-analysis.

Perelberg, R.J. (1999) 'The Interplay of Identifications: Violence, Hysteria and the Repudiation of Femininity', in Kohon, G (1999) (Ed.) The Dead Mother New Library of Psychoanalysis London: Routledge.

Perelberg, R.J. (1998) 'The Primitive Tie to the Mother and its Manifestations in the Transference and Countertransference', in Raphael-Leff, Joan and Perelberg, R.J. Female Experience: Three Generations of Women Psychoanalysts on Work with Women London: Routledge.

Perelberg, R.J. (1998) 'Female Experience in the Analytic Process', in Raphael-Leff, Joan and Perelberg, R J Female Experience: Three Generations of Women Psychoanalysts on Work with Women London: Routledge.

Perelberg, R.J. (1998) 'A Woman's Denial of Time and Memory', in Raphael-Leff, Joan and Perelberg, R.J. Female Experience: Three Generations of Women Psychoanalysts on Work with Women London: Routledge.

Perelberg, R.J. (1995) 'Beyond the Couple', in Clulow, C (Ed.) Women, Men and Marriage. Talks from the Tavistock Marital Studies Institute. London: Sheldon Press.

Perelberg, R.J. (1992) 'Working with Different Types of Family Structures', in Kareem, J. and Littlewood, R. Inter-Cultural Therapy. London, Blackwell.

Perelberg, R.J. (1990) 'Inequality and Asymmetry: Towards a Conceptualisation of Gender in Family Therapy', in Perelberg, R.J. and Miller, A. (Eds.) Gender and Power in Families, London: Routledge.

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How to contact Rosine Perelberg

Psychoanalysis UnitÌý
Research Department of Clinical, educational and Health PsychologyÌý
Gower StreetÌý
London WC1E 6BT

Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 1899Ìý


