

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


VIRTUAL EVENT: Institutional barriers to participation in EU framework programs

19 May 2021, 12:00 pm–2:00 pm

EU flag. Image: Olia Nayda via Unsplash

In this webinar, Marco Cavallaro will present a study on institutional barriers to participation in EU framework programs: contrasting the Swiss and UK cases.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES)

This webinar will explore a study that examines how institutional barriers arising from policy decisions can influence universities’ level of participation in European research programs.

The research compares the effect of EU funding restrictions following Switzerland’s 2014 reclassification as a 'third country' and the uncertainties resulting from the 2016 Brexit vote in the United Kingdom.

CHES research events

CHES research events provide a forum for academic debate, policy analysis and practice insight in higher education, supporting the exchange of theories, methods and data across social sciences.


Image: Olia Nayda via Unsplash

About the Speaker

Marco Cavallaro

Doctoral Student at the Institute for Public Communication, University of Lugano

Marco's research focuses on participation patterns in the European Union's Framework Programs for Research and Innovation. An area in which Marco has been active for four years with experiences in Brussels, Bern and Zurich.