

Wellcome / EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences


Public Engagement Strategy

Our public engagement is directed by a dedicated strategy, developed with members and overseen by an advisory board with experience of research, patient involvement and public engagement.


Public engagement is embedded in how we work as a centre, it's one of our three key aims and part of the translation strategy, which goes to the heart of what WEISS is here to achieve, developing technologies that can be better translated into healthcare practice. 

A3: ...deliver a suite of initiatives to facilitate interaction, communication and dialogue with the broader community, patients and the general public...to promote constructive dialogue and mutual learning.


Public Engagement Strategy

Our public engagment strategy informs how we deliver projects and support our members to develop their own activities. We developed this with our members and public representatives, resulting in four aims matched to four key attributes that we expect all activities to match at least one of:

Public Engagement Aims

The WEISS public engagment strategy is based on four aims that drive the programme and directs the engagement we focus on.

  • Public and patient stakeholders have opportunities to inform research throughout the research cycle, through constructive dialogue and mutual learning. 
  • Our public engagement is designed collaboratively, involving relevant people outside of higher education to create and design opportunities. Such as cultural partners, patient support groups and medical professionals
  • Public engagement is supported by an embedded culture of engagement at WEISS, ensuring the capacity and internal support for public engagement is part of our identity.
  • WEISS staff and students have access to training, advice and support that provide skills and opportunities to conduct effective public engagement 

Programme Attributes

The WEISS programme prioritises activity that demonstrates a fit to one or more of the four associated attributes or outcomes below. 

  • Enhance – Activity demonstrating a clear link to WEISS research, with potential to enhance elements of design, practice and/or translation.
  • Collaborate – Collaboration with relevant external partners & stakeholders to develop creative and relevant methods of effectively engaging with our target publics.
  • Develop – Activity that demonstrably contributes to the development of a skilled staff and student base for public engagement, developing new skills or understanding in participants and sharing learning wider across the centre.
  • Embed – We seek to embed public engagement within core business, ensuring capacity and encouragement to undertake engagement as part of research.

You can view a fuller version of the WEISS Public Engagement Strategy here. 

Public Engagement Advisory Board

Our strategy and programme is informed and overseen by the WEISS Public Engagement Advisory Board, a group of internal and external representatives that meet every four months to provide advice, oversight and push our approach to be as ambitious as it can. 


Danail Stoyanov, WEISS DirectorWEISS Executive Representative (Engineering)
Laurence Lovat, WEISS Clinical DirectorWEISS Executive Representative (Clinical)
Dimitrios Siassakos, Associate Professor in Maternal & Fetal MedicineWEISS Academic Representative (Clinical)
¶Ù±ð²¹²ÔÌýµþ²¹°ù°ù²¹³Ù³Ù,ÌýProfessor of Medical Image ComputingWEISS Academic Representative (Engineering)
Sacha Noimark, EPSRC FellowWEISS ECR Representative (Engineering)
¸é²¹·É±ð²ÔÌý°­²¹»å±ð°ù,ÌýClinical Training FellowWEISS Clinical Training Fellow Representative
tbcWEISS PhD Representative
Su-Lin Lee, WEISS Head of OperationsWEISS Professional Services Representative
Ben Littlefield, Public Engagement Manager (BEAMS)×î×¼µÄÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ Public Engagement Representative
Bec Hanley, PPI ConsultantPatient Involvement Representative
Simon Watt, WEISS Public Engagement ManagerWEISS Public Engagement Representative
Mary-Clare Hallsworth, Public Engagement ConsultantChair