

×î×¼µÄÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ Department of Geography


Chris Brierley - Presentations

Search here for a list of presentations by Professor Chris Brierley.

  • Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Biology and Paleo Environment Seminars Bristol, 8th September 2014 - "Pliocene Tropical Dynamics"
  • AGU Fall Meeting December 2013 - "Pliocene climate: fleeting past or a blueprint for the future", GC53C-03, Contribution to the session Understanding 400 ppm Climate: Past, Present and Future.
  • The role of oceans in climate uncertainty (.pdf), BIRS workshop, Banff, CA, October 2013 - "Could slab model emulation be a useful tool in ocean uncertainty quantification?"
  • 2nd workshop on Pliocene climate (.pdf), Bristol, September 2013 - "Patterns of early Pliocene warmth: testing potential mechanisms"
  • 4th WGNE workshop (.pdf) on systematic errors in weather and climate models, Met. Office, April 2013. "Simple measures of structural climate change"
  • University of East Anglia, School of Environmental Sciences, November 2012 - "Measurement and mechanisms of a structural climate change in the Early Pliocene" - in the Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Seminar Series
  • University of Nottingham, Geography, November 2012 - "Structural climate change and the Early Pliocene" - Physical Geography Seminars
  • London Palaeoclimate Group (.pdf), November 2012 - "An Introduction to PMIP3"
  • University of Edinburgh, School of GeoSciences, November 2012 - "Lessons from the warm Early Pliocene" - in the Global Change Seminar Series
  • Imperial College London, Physics, October 2012 - "Structural Climate Change" - in the Space & Atmosphere Physics Seminar Series.
  • EGU Spring Meeting (.pdf), April 2012 - "Can inter-ocean gateways explain long-term cooling since the early Pliocene?", EGU2012-5484, Poster in Session CL4.2/OS1.3
    • Also presented at Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project, Phase 3 Workshop at Crewe, May 2012
  • University of Bristol (.pdf), Geography, April 2012 - "Equatorial Temperature Gradients and Human Evolution"
    • Also presented as subsidiary talk at Brown University, March 2012
  • Brown University (.pdf), Geological Sciences, March 2012 - "Beyond conventional climate sensitivity: understanding early Pliocene warmth"
    • Also presented at University of Exeter, College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, May 2012, in a modified form.
  • AGU Fall Meeting (.pdf), December 2010 - "The relative role of temperature gradients in the Pliocene climate", PP11G-03, Invited contribution to the session The Early Pliocene Warm Period as an Analog for Future Warmth.
  • AGU Fall Meeting (.pdf), December 2010 - "Tropical Cyclones at the Last Glacial Maximum" Poster in session GC51G
  • Luncheon with the Postdocs (.pdf), Yale Geology & Geophysics, April 2010 - "Vertical Mixing and the Ocean Circulation"
  • Ocean Sciences (.pdf), 2010 - "Extratropical Hurricane Mixing and the Equatorial Cold Tongue", PO45W-04 in the session Theory and Modeling of the Equatorial Ocean. Also presented at the Department of Energy meeting in Gaithersburg in April 2010.
  • AGU Fall Meeting (.pdf), 2009 - "Understanding Weak Low-Latitude SST Gradients and the Ocean Warm Pool Expansion in the Early Pliocene", PP11G-08 in the session The heat is on: past, present and future climate change in the Indo-Pacific warm pool.
  • University of Michigan (.pdf) Geological Sciences, Seminar, November 2009 - "Tropical Cyclones and the climate of the Pliocene"
  • Ocean-Atmosphere Energy Transport workshop (.pdf), Caltech, November 2009 - "Extratropical Mixing, Ocean Temperatures and Heat Transport". Poster
  • Graduate School of Oceanography (.pdf) at University of Rhode Island, Invited Seminar, July 2009 - "Implications of the Vast Pliocene Warmpool"
  • Yale's (.pdf) Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics group, March 2009 - "Temperature Gradients and Glaciation"
  • AGU Fall Meeting December 2007 - "Permanent El Nino Conditions and the Meridional Expansion of the Tropical Ocean Warm-Water Pool in the Early Pliocene: Modeling Global Impacts with an Atmospheric GCM". Poster: PP43C-1531
  • Luncheon with the Postdocs (.pdf), 2007 - "Ensembles, Uncertainty and Climate Projections"
  • Departmental Seminar (.pdf), Uni. of Reading, June 2006. "Ocean Model Uncertainty"
  • Chapa Club (.pdf) 2006 - "Spatial Patterns of Climate Change in HadCM3" 
    • This presents the ensemble mean patterns from my perturbed ocean physics ensemble. The results are the average of year 61-80 from an 1% increase in carbon dioxide, so are centred on the time of CO2 doubling. It has a useful list of references for HadCM3 and climate change in it.
  • AGU Ocean Sciences (.pdf), 2006 - "Incorporating and Quantifying Ocean Uncertainty in Ensemble Climate Prediction", OS52P-05 in the session on Ocean Convection, Heat Transport and Storage, and Climate.
  • Reading University's (.pdf) Ocean Research Group 2nd February 2006 - "The Relative Certainty of Ocean Parameters"
  • Earth System Sciences Summer School, September 2004 - Ocean Model Uncertainty I created this early on, and it describes why ocean model uncertainty exists.