

×î×¼µÄÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ European Institute


The Cost of Data Inadequacy: The economic impacts of the UK failing to secure EU data adequacy

23 November 2020

Report with the New Economics Foundation

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The Cost of Data Inadequacy:ÌýThe economic impacts of the UK failing to secure an EU data adequacy decision
×î×¼µÄÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ European Institute report with the New Economics Foundation


  • Oliver Patel - Research Associate, ×î×¼µÄÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ European Institute
  • - Senior Researcher, New Economics Foundation
  • Javier Ruiz - Digital Policy Consultant, independent

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Following the end of the Brexit transitionÌýperiod on 31 December 2020, the legal basisÌýfor transferring personal data across the ChannelÌýfundamentally changes. Unless the UK receivesÌýan adequacy decision from the EU, businessesÌýand other organisations will no longer be able toÌýfreely transfer data from the EU to the UK, withoutÌýputting in place their own additional measures.ÌýThese measures can be costly, bureaucratic, andÌýtime-consuming to implement.

Although the UK has high standards of dataÌýprotection via the Data Protection Act 2018, whichÌýenacted the General Data Protection RegulationÌý(GDPR) in UK law, an EU adequacy decision isÌýnot guaranteed. Potential EU concerns with UKÌýnational security, surveillance and human rightsÌýframeworks, as well as a future trade deal with theÌýUS, render adequacy uncertain. Furthermore, EU-UKÌýdata flows are at the whim of the wider BrexitÌýprocess and negotiations.

This landmark report outlines the economicÌýcost and implications of the UK not receiving anÌýadequacy decision from the EU. We look at theÌýimpact on businesses, different economic sectors,Ìýand the wider economy. We believe that this is theÌýfirst comprehensive report analysing this issue fromÌýan economic perspective.

Through extensive interviews with over sixty legalÌýprofessionals, data protection officers, businessÌýrepresentatives, and academics, from both the UKÌýand EU, we found that the risk of the UK failingÌýto secure an adequacy decision is both real andÌýserious, and that the impacts would be complex,Ìýleading to significant uncertainty.Ìý

Report coverage in the media:

The Guardian -Ìý
The Telegraph -

Yahoo NewsÌý-Ìý
Daily ExpressÌý-
Global Data ReviewÌý-Ìý

Download Report (pdf)


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