

Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


TED Talk: Helen Pearson author of The Life Project on British Birth Cohort Studies 

6 April 2017

Helen Pearson author of The Life Project on British birth cohort Studies will be giving TED Talk Vancouver Thur 27 April .

Ted Talk Vancouver This will reach a vast international audience and indirectly draw attention to work done in the department. View: 

Helen recorded an ICLS podcast for the launch of the ICLS booklet 'never too early, never too late edited by Amanda Sacker and Mel Bartley. See: /icls/podcasts/The-British-Birth-Cohort-Studies-The-Jewel-in-the-Crown-of-British-Science

Also, see below for training course that might be of interest called Making and Measuring Impact Course by Dr Sarah Morton. LSE on Tues 30 May 2017.