

Eastman Dental Institute


Differential chondro- and osteo-stimulation in three-dimensional porous scaffolds

11 February 2019

Differential chondro- and osteo-stimulation in three-dimensional porous scaffolds with different topological surfaces provides a design strategy for biphasic osteochondral engineering.

Mahapatra C, Kim JJ, Lee JH, Jin GZ, , Kim HW

Journal of Tissue Engineering

The aim of this study was to develop a 3D scaffold that can regenerate bone and cartilage, using different surface properties and different materials to construct the scaffold.

We successfully engineered 3D biopolymer scaffolds with two distinct surface morphologies, presenting dense and nanofibrous structures.Based on these findings, we consider that the dense scaffold is preferentially used for the chondral-part, whereas the nanofibrous structure is suitable for osteo-part, to provide an optimal biphasic matrix environment for osteochondral tissue engineering.

This work is part of a long-term collaboration with Dankook University that will continue in the future. This work and the future work is sponsored by the Korean National Research Foundation.
