

Centre for Law, Economics and Society


Publication by Eduardo Andrés Aguilera Valdivia

6 April 2018

Eduardo Andrés Aguilera Valdivia (×î×¼µÄÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳, LL.M 2017) has recently published his LL.M IRE (independent research work) on 'The Scope of the ‘Special Responsibility’ upon Vertically Integrated Dominant Firms after the Google Shopping Case' in the most recent issue of the well-known competition law journal 'World Competition Law and Economics'. Congratulations to Eduardo for this great achievement!

Aguilera Valdivia, Eduardo. ‘The Scope of the ‘Special Responsibility’ upon Vertically Integrated Dominant Firms after the Google Shopping Case: Is There a Duty to Treat Rivals Equally and Refrain from Favouring Own Related Business?’. World Competition 41, no. 1 (2018): 43–68