

Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Mineral-based Construction Materials


About the NICER programme

The ICEC-MCM is funded through the NICER Programme which is the largest UKRI investment focussing on Circular Economy (CE) to date.

The £30 million investment supports four other National Interdisciplinary Circular Economy research centres, each focusing on a particular resource flow, and an integrating Circular Economy Hub to coordinate, scale and add value to the programme as a whole. The ICEC-MCM will work closely with these counterparts to deliver a step change to the UK Circular Economy.

 The UKRI National Circular Economy Hub (CE-Hub) will accelerate interdisciplinary research, innovation and impact to scale up a UK Circular Economy.

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Circular Metals (CircularMetal) aims to transform the metals industry and make the UK the first country in the world to have fully circular metals system.

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Circular Chemical Economy (CircularChem) aims to transform the UK chemical industry into a more resource-efficient, productive and higher value system.

The UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Technology Metals (Met4Tech) aims to identify system-level interventions to enable circularity in the production, use and reuse of technology metals.

The Textiles Circularity Centre (TCC) will turn bio waste (post-consumer textiles, crop residues and household waste) into renewable materials to envision a circular textiles economy for the UK.