

Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging


Radio, Television and Print

Bernard Siow from CABI talks to Bruker about the advantages of having an easy to use compact MRI system and an array of imaging modalities to work with..

Mark talks to Intelligent Life magazine about the cutting edge techniques being used at the Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging to look at biological processes in more detail than ever before.

Man in a Suit - Mark Lythgoe: in Intelligent Life, May 2014

A professor of imaging sees dressing in a new light

The Life Scientific- September 2013: on BBC Radio 4 with Jim Al-Khalili

Professor Mark Lythgoe talks about the frontier research at his centre and the thrill he gets from it. As well as a scientist, he is also an intrepid mountain climber and believes there are parallels between the experiences of a mountaineer and those of an inventor of new views of the human brain and body. Professor Lythgoe talks candidly about his unconventional journey and struggle to make a successful career in science which took him through making plastic pipes in a factory, training Israeli attack dogs and working with Australian Aboriginal people. He describes the deep sense of failure which powered with his progress once he had a foot in the laboratory door. Mark also discusses his collaborations with artists on sci-art projects. He says one film project about a young girl with a severe brain condition helped to make him the scientist he is today.

Easter Eggs Live!: For Channel 4.

Researchers at the ×î×¼µÄÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging (CABI) embarks on a rather unique 'Easter egg hunt' and have been scanning chicken eggs for a new Channel 4 programme: Easter Eggs Live! CABI scientists have used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to peer beneath the shell of a developing chicken egg to visualise the growth and position of the chick as it prepares to hatch.

Erased Minds and Spotless Memories: For Radio 4 Dr. Mark Lythgoe investigates the science of memory erasing.

For Radio 4, Dr Mark Lythgoe investigates the science of memory erasing. In a Hollywood movie it's a simple choice. You take the blue pill and wipe away all those unpleasant memories that are hard to deal with. Or you take the red pill and bear their burden, possibly forever. This is not Hollywood -but soon that choice could well be yours. Captivated by the media headlines over the past few years claiming scientists can now 'erase bad memories', neuroscientist Dr Mark Lythgoe travels to New York to examine the latest research in memory modification.

Images That Changed The World - 2009:  on BBC Radio 4 presented by Dr Mark Lythgoe

Medical imaging has had a profound impact on all our lives. In this new five part series, Mark Lythgoe explores how techniques such as xrays, ultrasound, microscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans have allowed us to see deep inside our bodies, right to our broken bones and dividing cells. Mark questions how imaging has impacted not only on healthcare but also on philosophy, art, literature and the general public consciousness, radically influencing the way we think about ourselves as human beings

Image of a Troubled Mind - 2007: on BBC Radio 4 presented by Mark Lythgoe

What can the technology of brain scanning tell us about mental illnesses such as clinical depression and schizophrenia? In the future, will brain imaging improve the outlook for individuals with these conditions? As neuroscientist Mark Lythgoe discovers, brain scanning has been essential in the development of an experimental brain implant to treat severe clinical depression. It is also being used to help the therapy of some people with schizophrenia who hear voices. Mark asks if brain imaging machines will ever be routinely used to manage the care and treatment of individuals with serious mental health problems.

The Two New Cultures - 2007: on BBC Radio 4 presented by Mark Lythgoe

The science verses art debate started nearly 50 years ago when British scientist and novelist CP Snow gave his famous speech The Two Cultures. In it he lamented the breakdown of communication and understanding between the opposing sides. In this series of two programmes, neuroscientist and arts enthusiast Mark Lythgoe looks into the worlds of science and art to find out if they're still poles apart.

The Riddle of Einstein's Brain - 2005: Icon Films/Channel 4, presented by Dr. Mark Lythgoe and Dr Jim Al-Khalili

Follows neurophysiologist Dr Mark Lythgoe and physicist Dr Jim Al-Khalili as they try to discover whether there is a correlation between the physical appearance of the brain and the potential for genius by studying the preserved brain of Albert Einstein.

Science Not Art - 2003: Excerpt read on BBC Radio 4 by Ben Crowe

Mark has written a diary account of his life as a scientist in "Science, not Art", in which a young generation of scientists kept diaries over several months to reveal, with an unusual honesty, the frustrations, comic ironies and occasional breakthroughs in the charged and highly competitive world of contemporary science. What do mathematicians actually do? How are hypotheses dreamed up and then tested in space physiology, climate change or neuroscience? And how does an intense commitment to understanding more about the world impact on scientists' private lives? (Science, Not Art: Ten Scientists' Diaries; Editor Jon Turney; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; ISBN: 0903319985, June 2003).Â