

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


DPU Working Paper - No. 117

Public Education To Combat Xenophobia: An Examination of The Role of the Print Media


10 April 2002

Author: Vicki Igglesden

Publication Date: 2002

Although the contemporary levels of xenophobia may be alarming, the phenomenon is certainly far from new, being a central theme in twentieth century world history (Thomas 2000:48). Muller (1998:33) declares that immigration ‘is likely to be a major concern in OECD countries for decades to come’ and that the increase of nativism signals the need for greater understanding of how immigrants can be integrated into host societies.

The contexts in which xenophobia arises represent particular conjunctions of socio-economic and political conditions, necessitating the comprehension of the specifics of individual contexts of contemporary prejudice. Such knowledge is crucial for the formulation of effective policies for the reduction of xenophobia. 

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