

The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


CASA Working Paper 105


1 April 2006

WePWEP: Web-based Participatory Wind Energy Planning [1]

This document has been prepared in the frame of a PhD research project, which aim is to develop and test a learning-enhancing website design to involve the public in spatial planning. The application focused is the strategic planning of wind farms location. The website developed is named WePWEP - Web-based Participatory Wind Energy Planning and is available at hppt://ernie.ge.ucl.ac.uk:8080/WePWEP/. Being the purpose of the website to contribute to learning and engage the public in the strategic planning of wind farms, it provides some background information on wind energy and wind farm siting.

This document compiles the information that is available in the website. With regard to wind energy, the section dedicated to the debate surrounding wind energy should be of particular relevance for those interested in an overview of the arguments pro and against wind energy development. Under the wind farm siting topic, the factors that need consideration during the site selection process are introduced, and subsequently the involvement of the public in wind farms planning is reviewed and discussed. The document concludes with the author supporting a more participative role of the public in the wind energy planning process and suggesting that the WePWEP website is a means that can contribute to this achievement.

This working paper is available as a PDF. The file size is 655KB.

Authors: Ana Simao

Publication Date: 1/4/2006

Download working paper No. 105.