

History of Art


Object 7


Object 7 was published together with an original print by the artist Sue Coe.


Stina Barchan - Mime in the Archive: Hannah Höch and the Kurt Schwitters File

Catherine Clinger - Caspar David Friedrich and Physio-philosophical Topography

Mary Hunter - The Sleep of Reason: Art, Medicine and Sexuality in Henri Gervex’s Avant l’opéracion

Kristen Hutchinson - Remembering the Dead: Past, Present and Future in Christine Borland’s The Dead Teach the Living

Matilde Nardelli - Between Stillness and Movement: Boredom, Photography and Time in Michelangelo Antonioni’s L’eclisse

Emily Richardson - A Revolutionary Currency: Sèvres Medallions Produced in the French Revolution


Rosie Bennett - Brian O’Doherty, Hopper’s Silence, London, 2004

Barnaby Haran - 'Gustav Klutsis and Valentina Kulagina: Photography and Montage after Constructivism’, New York, 2004

Liisa Kaakinen - 'Luc Delahaye’s History', Bradford, 2004

Edward Krcma - 'Guiseppe Penone: The Imprint of Drawing’, Milton Keynes, 2004

Thomas Latham - Lester C. Olson, Benjamin Franklin’s Vision of American Community: A Study in Rhetorical Iconology, Columbia, S.C., 2004