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    A grey floor with colourful materials on it.
    Something remains, Cat Madden, 2024, mixed media installation: soft pastel, thread, tape, tinfoil. Dimensions variable.

    ©the artist

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    Installation shot of artwork, cardboard, paper chalkballs on floor.
    Untitled again, Cat Madden, 2024, mixed media installation: cardboard, sandpaper, chalkballs, pigments, board, and more. Dimensions variable.

    ©the artist

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    Rounded grey drawn marks on grey paper. Hanging on wall with nails.
    A drawing, Cat Madden, 2024, pencil on sugar paper, 21 x 29 cm

    ©the artist

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    White polystyrene block holding round cardboard object on a grey floor. Marks of colour on floor.
    Untitled, Cat Madden, 2024, mixed media installation: polystyrene, card, pigment, disco ball motor. Dimensions variable.

    ©the artist

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    Spinny thing, Cat Madden, 2023, mixed media: cardboard, climbing tape, soft pastel, disco ball motor, concrete rocks. Dimensions variable.

    ©the artist

Cat Madden – MA/MFA

Drawing is my touch, my writing, the traces of accidents, the experience of searching, of figuring things out, of getting confused.

My process is play - the seriousness of play, the joy of play, the learning from play.

In everyday materials I seek wonder. I fuse things that don’t ‘belong’, I use things that may not last, and I place things you might (nearly) step on.

a trifle
of art and life.